I am very fortunate to have very ambitious work partner. Yacaobou Moussa,(pictured above) is a leather smith by trade with a simple 6 grade education but he is the most determined person that I have met. He is also the president of the handicap association of my town and together we have taken an old cargo container and turned it into a clean water production facility. As of June of 2007 we are employing three handicap people, by producing clean filtered water and selling water in small water bags at a very cheap price to the public, we have recently started producing flavored water such as tamarind, hibiscus, lemon, and local exotic fruits with the profits the handicap association is paying for health needs of handicap people in town. It is an amazing feeling to be part of this project and seeing an old container turned into a facility that produces clean water, employs handicap people and making money.

Another project that I am very proud of is having an English and Spanish club in the local high school. Students are very interested in learning English, so my postmate Richard and I applied for a small grant from USAID and with the assistance of Abel; a local English teacher we prepared a regional English competition that focused on HIV/AIDS prevention and awareness. With the money we received we gave out the test to over 250 students in 23 schools throughout the region, the top 80 students and top 7 teachers came to our town of Natitingou and we gave them another exam with the focus on HIV/AIDS and then had an awards ceremony with a play and presentation on HIV/AIDS prevention afterwards we gave the students, books, dictionaries, school material, money and paid for next school year’s fees. The English Competition was a huge success and the kids had a great time.

By far the greatest reward comes from working with the local orphanage and an NGO that helps children especially girls go to school. With a couple of dollars we have fed over 80 orphans for Christmas and bought clothing for them and with the NGO we have purchased books and uniforms to help underprivileged kids go to school and encourage the education of girls in small rural villages.
At times things are a little difficult because if people see you do a project with somebody, some get jealous and expect the same attention and effort, many just want a handout because they think I have money to give away, others want me to do a project with them but they are not willing to put in the time and effort they expect all the work to be done for them. Overall I have been very blessed with everything I have done so far, I have already accomplished so much this year and I already have plans for my future projects, I am in the process of raising money to build an adult education classroom for my town, so expect an email from me asking you to please donate some money to my project or please check back in the near future for more info and details.